
Refund and Returns Policy

Refund and Returns Policy Ways To Sell Online
Refund and Returns Policy Ways To Sell Online

Refund and Returns Policy Ways To Sell Online 

Thank you for choosing Ways To Sell Online! We understand that sometimes digital products may not meet your exact expectations or require revisions. Therefore, we offer a refund policy for digital products that allow buyers to request changes or revisions within seven days of purchase.

Eligibility for Refund

To be eligible for a refund under this policy, the following criteria must be met:

  1. The request for changes or revisions must be made within seven days of the purchase date.
  2. The request must be related to dissatisfaction with the work or the need for revisions.
  3. The digital product must not have been used or implemented in any form.

Refund Process

If you are eligible for a refund based on the criteria mentioned above, please contact our customer support team with your order details and the reason for your request. We will review your request and may ask for further information or clarification if necessary.

Once your request is approved, we will issue a refund to your original method of payment. Please note that it may take a few days for the refund to be processed and reflected in your account.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or wish to request a refund under this policy, please contact us:

Email: info@waystosellonline.com Phone/WhatsApp: +44 7522 003594

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to modify or update this refund policy for digital products at any time. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.

Last Updated: [7-April-2023]

By purchasing digital products from our website, you agree to abide by this refund policy.

Thank you for choosing Ways To Sell Online! We appreciate your business and strive to provide you with the best possible experience.

Need help?

Contact us at info@waystosellonline.com for questions related to refunds and returns.

Checkout Our Services Page And YouTube Channel


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